Saturday, April 28, 2007


Josh and I are planning a trip out west later this year to go to Spitgirl's wedding (for those of you that don't know, she runs the "Little Maple Project" in my sidebar, but hasn't had time to do it lately because, well, she's getting married and trying to finish up her Master's).

Anyways, when Josh took me out for lunch today he was talking about our trip and he literally blew me away by suggesting that we fly into California, go to the wedding, visit his family, spend a few free days touring around, and then...spend five days in Vegas.

Vegas, baby!

So right now, it's all in the planning stages, but it looks like we're going to be driving from Cali to Nevada! For those of you that don't know Josh, Vegas is SO not his thing...but he suggested it, and I'm holding him to it. :P

We've got quite the social calendar building over the next few months.

We're also taking a trip out to visit Connie later this year. We're planning on driving down to her place, tour around and then head into Kentucky (I have to keep Josh amused, so we're going to Bowling Green so he can look at the shiny cars at the Corvette plant).

Can you tell I'm excited?!


Sam said...

You had better tell me when you are coming, woman!!! I live just over an hour from Connie! I'll let you play with Kieren!!!!!


4D said...

Sounds awesome!! What a great trip that will be.

Lucky you getting to visit the fab CJ!!

When are you two gonna come to Montreal "pur une visite"??

Keep smilin!

D & S said...

Wow, you're not kidding your calendar is getting full. Shawn and I were thinking of Vegas as well. I hear it's quite the town to visit.

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

VERY cool! Hey! Don't forget the sushi dinner with Joel and me...I know it's not as exciting as "VEGAS, baby"'s SUSHI, baby!

C's Mom said...

Yeehaw! Yes, indeedy. Some of the locals and semi-locals will be here to meet you :0)

Vegas? All they have over us bloggy mamas is a huge utility bill ;0)

Special K said...

I've never been to Vegas. Can you believe that? Sounds like a fun trip.

I'm not far from Connie. I'll pop in too.

Polar Bear said...

Sounds like a great trip! You'll have a blast with Connie! She's awesome!!

Cari said...

Yay! Vegas!! Sounds awesome - I've never been, but I'm sure it'll be great.
Thanks for the mention on your blog! The cat thanks you too (when he takes a break from suckling on my fingers...)

redmaryjanes said...

That sounds absolutely fantastic! You've got a good year planned out.

Anonymous said...

That sounds great! Sounds like an absolute blast! Let us know how things go.....

Janet T.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that sounds like a fun trip. I think we will be in Cali in August.

spitgirl said...

You're driving to Vegas? That's like a 13 hour drive...

M and M said...

What a great sounding trip!!

I have never been to Vegas or California (other then the airport)!

Have fun planning!

How great that you are going to meet Connie too!!