Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Monday....

Hi all (Donna here),

Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! If you'd like to see pic's from my weekend, I just noticed that my blog can be accessed by going to Rhonda's profile, and then clicking on my name under "team member". I'm still learning all about this blogging stuff!! *grin*

To clarify my post about switching to the Waiting Children's Program. You CAN "switch" to the program, in a manner of speaking. I'm sorry I wasn't clear - I was rushing through my post and didn't word it well.

You would have to actually pull your file from the CCAA and basically start over. This is the CCAA's rule because they were finding that too many families were looking at it as a way to "fast track" their file, without thinking down the road of having to actually parent a child with special needs. While alot of the "needs" are minor and correctible, there are still surgeries and therapies to deal with too.

This has obviously solved the issue of families looking for a "fast track". As it should be, this is all in the best interests of the CHILD.

We have had some families decide to go this route. While it hasn't really made the process that much shorter for them, it has taken a few mths maybe, off of their wait. Again, just speaking for CB, families would have to go through a screening process first, to ensure that they have the appropriate resources/medical facilities available nearby, and are ready and able to parent a SN child. Then you would have a new retainer agreement, new fees, new medicals, etc.

I hope that helps to clarify! Sorry for the confusion guys.

Why can't you do 2 international adoptions at the same time? Well, I'm not positive on this, but my best guess is that there is just too much instability with the wait times for international adoption. What if you rec'd 2 referrals at the same time, or too close to each other? Yikes!! (read previous post). I will find out a definite answer for you though.

Someone asked..... "Why can't we just "give each child the opportunity to be in a loving, nurturing home? Why can't we fight for the kids to grow up strong instead of spending time fighting red tape? " If I understand correctly, this was in response to wondering why families can't "switch to SN"?? Please correct me if I misunderstood. If this IS what you were referring to, please see above.

Why are the children so young at referral right now? To be honest, I haven't really been paying attention to that. **sheepish grin** I honestly don't think there's any rhyme or reason to it (we haven't rec'd any communication about it anyways). The children who are available for adoption, are the children who are referred. This is just the way it goes....sometimes the children referred from China are really young, sometimes they're reason, just is.

As for the South Africa program opening in other idea. I'll have to get back to you on that one. I DO know that the reason some other programs are not available in other provinces is because the specific country will not allow referrals to be sent there (mostly because of the lack of cultural resources available for the children). I'm not sure if this is the case with SA though - I'll check into it.

Enjoy your day....I'll see some of you tonight!!



geminirn said...

Thanks donna....much clearer now!!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Thanks, Donna. That certainly clarifies things for me. You are so great to offer your answers to us. I hope you know just how much we appreciate the tie you take to answer these questions.