Friday, May 25, 2012

Dear Universe...

I've decided that, even though we're two days out for referral, and RQ is suggesting that June's referrals are going to be one day - we WILL receive our referral. Her numbers seem to be wrong. What I can't understand is if last month she said the batch was going to go to September 11 (and it went that far), and she suggested that the next batch would go to September 13, why would she then suggest that June's batch will only go so far as the 12th when she released her projections this month? Something's rotten in the State of Denmark - and it's not cheese. ;)


Sherri said...

Sometimes RQ hit it right on the nose, and other times no. I myself find it very hard to see one day coming into play. Fingers crossed that they make it to the 13th.

Mike, Terri and Ava said...

For some reason I thought you were the 19th. I am sure you will get your referral in June The have to be able to do 2 days don't they. Soooo exciting!

Priscilla said...

You had me rolling on the floor laughing with your hoot of a comment on RQ:
"I think it’s hilarious, in a sick and twisted way, that we’re getting our referral at 69 months. Our agency originally told us it would take 6-9 months. See, boys and girls, punctuation makes ALL the difference. ;) "

Here's to your little one's referral NEXT MONTH!!! :-D We're rooting for you!