Friday, February 16, 2007

Blogger's block vs. blogger's diarrhoea

Is it even possible to have this? It seems that the last few days I can't seem to figure out what to post about. There's nothing overly exciting going on, and I don't like posting crap for days on end. Though today, I think I've gone from blogger's block all the way to blogger's diarrhoea...

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but when we get "Little Maple" we're going to eventually print this blog out or put it on CDs (which is probably a lot more environmentally friendly) for her to read all about 'what mommy did while we waited for you'. That's always what this blog has been about, but lately I've started thinking about how great this little outlet is. I've met some truly great people (listed on my sidebar under 'Bloggers we've met') and had email correspondence with a lot of others who I can honestly call friends. Had I never gotten involved with blogging and coming out of my proverbial shell I think the wait would have been all the more 'tedious'.

Speaking of the wait, while it's long, I think I've finally come to terms with it. Yes, I wish it were shorter, but the wait is what the wait is. There's nothing we can do about it, so we'll just ride it out. I know that other countries have shorter waits, but we chose China for several reasons and I really feel that's where our daughter is. I know it's trite to say that, but for me I really believe that it's true, and I don't think at this point I could give up the dream that is "Little Maple".

I went to this site just to see how long the predicted wait is (and I know it's not scientific, so if you haven't been to the site before, don't freak out and yell at me for posting this). According to that site, with a LID of September 13 '06, they predict our referral to come in anytime between 2007-12-06 to 2012-03-22 with a guesstimate of 2008-10-25. While I like their numbers, I still think we'll see our referral sometime around the beginning of 2009, with possible travel in March...but I'm not basing my guess on anything other than wishful thinking. :)

We're still hemming and hawing about her English name. We had a name all picked out, but now I'm having second thoughts about it, so we're kind of back to square one. We've got the Hebrew name down pat (but we're not sharing that yet)...nobody knows other than Josh and I and that's the way we're going to keep it. So there! I told Josh that when we hit our one year LIDiversary we're going to go and buy a bunch of baby naming books - hopefully by then we'll be on the downward slope of this wait.

By the way, sometime today or tomorrow I'll probably surpass 9000 hits on the 'little blog that could'. :)


4D said...

It's like you are in my head!!

I do am stumped and post nothing of consequence. Just blogging away!

I actually printed the blog out and just need to find a binder to put it in. I could also burn are going about that?

It is great that this blog is so much more then just an online place to write. I love the connections I have made with people. People I would not have met were it not for adoption and blogging about it.

Keep smilin!

redmaryjanes said...

For the record, I really enjoy your blog. I read it every day. And don't worry about always having something new or exciting. It's nice to just have a group of women who I'm going through this experience with.

M and M said...

I too go through writers block. Sometimes I find myself staring into space at work trying to compose something in my head.

I too am amazing at all the wonderful people we have met through blogging - you and Josh included! I had NO IDEA what this whole process would 'morph' into.

I am here reading every time bloglines tells me you posted I 9000?

M and M said...

I just checked and I am NOT 9000 :(

C's Mom said...

Do me a favor and don't take any Immodium. I'm full of crap and I love other peeps blog crap too!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I feel the same way about blogging sometimes. I have little to say in my regular life, so when it comes to writing something on the blog it takes a long while to figure it out.
We are printing our blog out as well and will scrapbook our entries. It should serve as a great reminder of all that happened along the wait.
I think your predictions for the referral are bang on, by the way.