Thursday, January 22, 2009

This, that and the other...

* I want to start this post on a positive note (it's going downhill from here) and mention how happy I am for Kristine and Shawn...they should be seeing their referral any day now. I can't wait to see a picture of their little one. :)

** I'd really like to know what happened to that rumour of the HUUUUGE freaking batch. I knew it was too good to be true, really, but I let my mind wander to the what ifs. I wish that RQ would go back to her "reliable" sources (HA!) and find out what went wrong, why these people are spreading rumours that always turn out to be false, and stop posting rumours that are SO way out of whack. Yes, I know her site is for rumours, but when the rumour is basically a lie, why does she bother? Maybe next month someone will submit that the referrals are going to go to September 13th. I mean, it *would* just be a rumour...Yeah, I'm perturbed. Oh, and she's coming off my Bloglines. I probably should have done that ages ago, but it's happening today.

*** I didn't go to help at Out of the Cold on Tuesday, I was sick. I didn't think it was the best place for me to be and spread my germs. Josh went on my behalf though. There were 135 people there for dinner and 50 who spent the night.

**** Josh relayed a story about what happened when he went to volunteer. There was a lady from a government agency (the name of the agency isn't really important, and I'm embarrassed for them so I'm not posting their name). Anyways, this lady was handing out toques (which were appropriate, since people were going there for clothing). She then started going around and handing out pens. Umm, ok. Of course the pens had the agency's name emblazoned on them. Then she started handing out application forms for jobs. In any other situation I would say that was great, but these people are homeless. They don't know where their next meal is coming from. They don't know where they'll be sleeping tonight.

***** The application asked for their Social Insurance Number, photo identification, and a home address. Again, I will say...these people are HOMELESS. Then she announced that when people show up for the interview, they needed to go properly dressed. Holy crap lady, take your head out of your ass and realize where you are. When I was there over a week ago, these people were less than properly attired...and she wants them to be 'properly dressed'? I just shook my head when Josh told me this.


Jill said...

What WAS that woman thinking? I guess if she could help just ONE!!??
Hang in there girl....and don't folllow rumour will KILL you!
Mind me asking if you have considered special needs? I know it is not for judgements, just asking...

Michelle said...

I took RQ off of my bloglines almost a year ago, when the realization set in that we were in for at least a 3 year wait. I simply couldn't deal with the ups and downs every month. Not if we have such a long wait ahead of us. I don't regret it or miss her site one bit. Hopefully there will be one day when I can look forward to the rumors with excitement, if we make it that far.

I can't believe that lady. Seriously. Think before you act!

Red Sand said...

Hope you are feeling better.

I try to block it all out, but there's always this fear that I'll miss something really important. Can't win.

Pug Mama said...

I know that some people where being told by their agencies that the CCA@ was going to make it to the 15th or the 20th. It is unreliable agencies like these that get all these rumors started - they get the hopes of their clients up because they LIE.
I'm just sick of it all.
I NEVER read RQ until a month ago - I don't understand how people can read her everyday for years - it's too much....

Johnny said...

You know how I feel about that.

RQ has its uses.

So does crack.

4D said...

What a moron!!

RQ is useful but ya gotta take her stuff with a BIG grain of salt.

Keep smilin!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Awe, I'm sorry about the rumors. I was really hoping for everybody's sake that this was the start of more referrals each month.

Yoli said...

In what lava lamp world is she living in?

I am still in shock over the 2 days of referral.

D & S said...

Two days worth of referrals=suckiness.

I don't understand the agency rep.

Kristine said...

Thanks for the congrats!!! We will post pictures as soon as we can!!
Oh and living in a city where homelessness is HUGE (and we live downtown), I can honestly say the agency lady needs some SERIOUS retraining. How insulting. These people deserve respect. Assisting with food, clothes and shelter as well as rehab etc etc come before finding a JOB!! Makes me soooo mad - not that I enjoy watching drug deals go down,people wigging out and people sleeping on the street but REALLY - lets find the root cause which ISN'T unemployment in 80% of the cases!!
As for RQ, well I am addicted because like Sam, I always feel as though I will miss something :O

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

2 days sucks! RQ can be addictive but I think I have only been to her site 4 or 5 times in the last 2½ years. Glad I don’t have the RQ bug…yet..

Smiles! :o)