Thursday, July 27, 2006


I got a little nervous yesterday, having sent in all our documentation, I forgot to check with Canada Post to make sure that the package was received. So while I was at work I went into the UPS store, used the computer, and wrote a quick email to our agency to make sure they received it. (The joys of working in a non-computerized day I swear I'll learn how to connect to the internet with my typewriter...) Anyways, it *WAS* received and all our paperwork has already been sent out for translation. So we're on our way now.

They are still standing by their claim that it is going to take four to five weeks for translation to be completed. I hope that it won't take long. We want to have our dossier sent over and, hopefully, logged in before the middle of September.

Why the middle of September? Well, my husband and I are taking a two and a half week vacation to Glasgow and Rome! It's our tenth wedding anniversary this year, so I decided we would just go there. He has family in Glasgow so it's going to be nice to get together with them again. We haven't been over since 2000.

On a side note, M3 and her husband , whose blog I've been following for a while, usually as a lurker, received some bad news yesterday. They missed the cut-off date for their referral by ONE day. The recent referral batch was from June 29th to July 13, and their LID is July 14. I can't even imagine how crushed she and her husband must feel. The only consolation is that next month they WILL be next and they will be able to see their precious daughter's face for the first time. I hope with CCAA having moved to their new office, once they get settled the referrals will have to may come quicker. It's a nice thought at least.

1 comment:

M3 said...

Thank you so much for the good thoughts. Missing the cutoff is horribly painful, but hearing from friends all over the world (like you) makes me start to smile again.