Sunday, December 13, 2009

39 months

So today marks our 39 month LIDiversary, one shy of the big 4-0. Instead of focus on the negative and how long we've waited, I'm going to try to be positive about the wait from now on. (HA! I know how many times I've said that in the past, and failed, but this time I'm going to really see beyond what we've been through and look to the future).

I'm not going to lie and say that it hasn't been hard, but when I see my friends getting their kids and realizing that the CCAA are now starting April, I'm hoping that things speed up a little. What I'm really hoping for is that the Rumour Queen is right (ok, you can stop rolling your eyes) about her predictions, and that we'll see our referral in a year and a half. Perhaps I'm still being naive, even after all this time, but I have to believe that this interminable wait is going to some point.

Anyways, enough of that. This month's charm was chosen by Josh's dad. Since he's a doctor, he chose the charm that definitely suits him the most...


Michelle said...

Happy 39. I stopped counting at 36. I'm trying to go with the philosophy my husband has had this entire journey "It'll happen when it happens".

Who would have thought we would ever utter the words "Another year and a half? Piece of cake." :)

Sam said...

It's not denial, it's hope. I'm here for the long-haul, sweetie!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I applaud you...I could not have been as positive. She will be in your arms and the wait will eventually be a memory. Healing will come.

Kayce said...

Hold tight and keep the faith! We'll be right by your side the entire way!

Special K said...

We'll get there. We may need a straight jacket by then but we'll get there. LOL!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Yeah. What Special K said.

Michele said...

Happy 39th? It will most definitely happen one day. For you I hope that day comes sooner than expected.