Thursday, March 13, 2008

So it’s 18 Months. To Life! Le Chaim!

(Josh posting)

For those of you who don’t know, “chai” (pronounce the “ch” like Loch Ness, not chocolate) is a combination of two Hebrew characters that mean “life” and the number “18”.

Did I think I would be buying the “18” cake? Nope. Am I sad? Nope. I think of it as a very long train trip and I am simply waiting for the train to get to the station. Oy what a wait!

To add a little pizzazz to the LIDiversary, I told Mère de l'érable (Maple’s Mom) that I would get a picture cake with the characters on the top. I am wowed by this cake. It looks too good to eat.

This LIDiversary is kind of tough as we crash into Purim and Passover within a month of each other. To perk things up, I have provided some entertainment and a picture of the cake to drool over.


Catherine said...

Congratulations!! Le Chaim!!

Pug Mama said...

happy 18 months!!

Cari said...

Happy 18!! Do you think we'll get to 'double chai'??


D & S said...

Happy 18 months guys!

Red Sand said...

18 down. Hope the cake was good.

M and M said...

Congrats on passing 18 months!

Very pretty cake!

Kristy said...

Sorry I am late, Happy LIdversary!!!!

Love, Kristy

4D said...

18 done! Delish way to celebrate.

Keep smilin!