Thursday, September 14, 2006

I think I threw up a little...

at least that's what I said to my husband when he asked me if I liked the program. After he finished laughing, he agreed...

My in-laws were looking through the tv guide a month or two ago and found an episode of Touched By An Angel that dealt with Chinese adoption and taped it for my husband and I. I put off watching it until last night because I'm not really into 'syrupy' shows like that. It had Angela Lansbury in it, so I figured it *might* be watchable, how wrong I was...

The premise of the show was that Angela Lansbury's adult grandchildren (in their 40s) were having trouble conceiving and had been through five tries of in vitro. They decided to 'just adopt' and had a home study done by the Della Reese character. Long story short, Angela's character's parents were missionaries and had to flee China. The mission they were in was bombed, but just before it was bombed, her character was helping out her Chinese friend and gave her a locket to remember her by.

VERY long story short, they eventually (with a few highly unrealistic bumps along the way) pass the homestudy, they have a commercial break and the next scene is them packing their bags for China...uh ok?

The Della Reese character travels with the couple AND the parents go into the orphanage's 'baby room'. Sure. That happens ALL the time...

Next scene is Angela's character holding the baby on a bench at the orphanage and she's sitting next to an elderly Chinese woman. Angela breaks into a hymn and wouldn't you know it? The woman sitting next to her was her Chinese friend from all those years ago, holding her locket...

Anyone else need a bucket?

My FIL asked me today, when I gave him back the tape, what I thought of it. I told him, other than it being highly unrealistic and sugary sweet, that I didn't like it but thanked him for giving it to me.

He turned to me and in his Scottish accent replied 'yeah, I thought it was thick treacle myself.'

Has anyone seen this episode? Any thoughts? Feel free to share, I don't bite...much.


C's Mom said...

hhhuuuuurrrrrrlllllll. gack!

There, that's better ;0)

Headmeister said...

There is no way I could ever watch a show that had Della Reese and Angela Lansbury in it both at the same time.

I'd puke AND shyte myself.


Anonymous said...

oh yeah, too sugary and sweet for me too. those angels are way too happy anyways...