Friday, September 08, 2006

I really need a 12-step program...

Ok, I think I need serious help. Today, the unthinkable happened. I wrote my husband an email at work bounced. That's right, I know all your email addresses off by heart, but I mistyped my husband's. OY!

On a side note, my friend E who is doing the Little Maple Project (look at the sidebar) is going to post something on the blog later. She's helping me with some basic words and phrases in Mandarin. Feel free to give it a listen!

She's also doing her grad school project over the next few weeks, and might need your help, but there will be more on that coming soon. :)

1 comment:

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Okay, you are the cutest! You are not a nerd and bouncing happens to the best of us! :)
I'll look forward to what will be posted later...quite an enigma!