Thursday, February 22, 2007

Please explain this to me...

Why on earth is there so much coverage of Anna Nicole Smith? She never had this much media attention when she was alive.

Yes, the entire situation is a tragedy and there's no denying it. But why is it that every time I go and turn on the news, her face is plastered all over it? I swear had she not died, CNN would have nothing to report on...and don't EVEN get me started on Entertainment Tonight (and other 'entertainment' shows).

ET seems to have put a lot of stock into believing that HKS is the baby's father, personally though, I can't wait until they have egg on their face when it's proven that Larry Birkhead is the real father. :P

The thing that I can't understand is why didn't the judge just get the DNA samples and have the entire situation dealt with. Test the baby and prove or disprove things once and for all.

The situation is becoming a media circus. Oh wait, scratch that, it already is...

Even Britney's little 'cuckoo for cocoa puffs' acting out hasn't dissipated much attention from ANS.

That poor, poor baby...


Polar Bear said...

I heard yesterday the HKS said in court and he and Anna were never "together". Is he lying now? Or then?

It is all so very, very sad.

redmaryjanes said...

It's craziness! I'm glad that she is being buried with her son. The baby should go with its bio Dad. That's my two cents.

M and M said...

I do feel for the child - what a whole load of things that she is going to have to grow up with...

I hope they solve this and get some stability soon for her.

Donna said...

Former court reporter and cop here.

It's all about jurisdiction. The baby was born in the Bahamas and currently resides there. If the Looney-Toons judge "ordered" the DNA test, none of the potential Daddies would be legal required to submit to it. And, of course, that would mean that Howard wouldn't do it since he's prolly not the father, currently has custody, and has the most to lose by submitting.

Personally, I was impressed by the other guy (can't remember his name though so I guess I wasn't THAT impressed, huh!)

This poor kid is going to be so screwed up!

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Cathy said...

I feel bad for the little girl. I'm not sure anyone involved in the whole situation would be the right one to have custody of her. I dunno.

Right now my head is still spinning over ANS putting in her will that she was intentionally excluding any future children she had.. that's just freaky.

t~ said...

Good post and ol' so true!

Anthony & Crystal said...

Nothing surprises me from CNN Paula Zahn will be on with her 'expert panel' to discuss the whole matter!

As an aside, I feel badly for that poor little one.....what instability!