Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A mountain out of a molehill? *

I guess this topic expands a bit on what Michelle wrote about the other night...

As I do everyday I went into statcounter last night and checked to see who was viewing my blog. I know, it sounds weird and all, but I like to know how people are finding my blog and where they're bouncing in from.

Anyways, as I was scrolling down, I noticed that someone found my blog through a blog address I hadn't seen before, so curiousity got the better of me and I checked it out.

This is what I found. Technically I don't really have a problem with this link, because there's some information about the person who gathered up the data.

I've written about this issue before, and I don't have a problem being listed on people's blogs. I find it interesting when I go to a 'new' blog, or at least it's new for me, and find that my blog is listed there. Actually, I feel a little 'honoured' that my little blog is deemed as 'important' or 'significant' to others in some way.

I did, however, have a bit of a problem with this site about a month ago, when it first went up, just because when I wrote the person and asked her a couple of quesions (mainly when did you adopt and why isn't your blog listed/what is the address) she didn't respond with that info. In fact, I have a feeling that the preface on her blog is aimed a bit at me, since I was the one to throw a bit of a stink about it. I'm such a sh!t disturber :P

I know my site is public and anyone can do something like this, it's fine. It's just when I see a site with no information about the person who gathers it up, it freaks me out a bit.

That said, I've started a new poll, feel free to vote on it and leave a comment if you wish. I'm curious what your opinions are with regards to this issue. If you want to leave an anonymous comment, go ahead, I'm fine with that...I'm more curious about what your comment about this issue is, rather than who you are. ;)

*If the creators of either site are viewing this, please don't see it as a personal attack, this is not my intention at all.


redmaryjanes said...

I don't mind if someone who is a part of our group lists me, or someone who I know is working through the Internation Adoption process.
In the case of this mass list, I think she should ask people before she lists their blogs.
There are quite a few of the people I talk with on that list.
If she asked me, I would probably say ok because if someone who is struggling through the craziness of this adoption journey needed a little support-I'd be glad to give it if they found my blog.

Anonymous said...

I saw your blog link on RQ and my blog is listed on both sites. It was nice to be able to locate others who share our LID. I had no idea either site existed - lol.

Catherine said...

I have no problem being listed on other adoption blogs or those of friends but I do have a problem being put on mass lists of blogs and LID's. My blog is public but I prefer it be easiest for fellow adoptive friends and family to find it, not complete strangers. My concern is not that other adoptive parents find that site, it's other wacko's who might. I have left a comment asking her to remove me from the mass list.

I understand she only means well it's just I'm a little leary of who might use this list and what they might use it for. I also requested that on the 'mass list' she please add an email address and/or comments to allow people to request their blogs be removed.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way as Catherine. Although I have no problem with fellow adopters linking to my blog, I don't like mass lists. Something about not knowing the person behind the list and what the actual intent is that bothers me.

D & S said...

I don't have a problem with my blog being listed on someone else's blog. It would be nice though, if it's a mass list to as for permission.

dawn said...

I don't mind finding my blog on someone elses blogroll I also find it flattering, if you will, but I do NOT like the mass lists. I cannot imagine that there is anything really worthwhile on my blog if you are not in the adoption process. Just cos I love my kid I don't think you do. (not you but the general, you)\

What is statcounter?? How lame am I?

Michael and Tammy said...


My name is Tammy and my husband and I have a LID of Aug 29/06 and are in group 272 with CB. I am not sure how I came across your blog - I believe it was through another CB members?? but I was excited to see that we seem to have very close log in dates!! My blog is not public (that I know of) and I am VERY new to the whole blogging world - I was shocked that I actually created one at all!! I would love to have more people to blog with but I didn't really want to make my site public - I try to stick to people that are with CB or are close to our LID etc... I would love for you to visit our blog and maybe we could try to keep in touch through what is looking to be a VERY LONG wait ahead of us still!!


Red Sand said...

I think I'm with you on this one. I tend to ask individuals for permission unless they're so ultra-public (ie Salsa) that e/one knows them, or they are in one of my groups. It's the mystery of the anonymous lists that make me slightly uncomfortable - I've found myself linked on one or two individual sites and that was more flattering than anything, and I remember the searching I did when we started this process and how helpful it was to find others. But again, I like to know who it is who has me linked...

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Catherine on this issue.

SARA said...

Wow. ok. I just realized you had written this post - hence, the reason I am just now responding.
In my defense, here is the story behind my site (internationaladoptsites)...

When I first started my blog, I came across other blogs that I loved and I would add them to my links in my sidebar so I could stay updated on them. As I went on my list started to grow and grow. It grew so big that it was taking up too much of my side bar so I decided to move the links to a new site. Never in a million years did I think that this would create a "mountain" of disturbance from anyone.
My thoughts on this subject are this... Anything you put on the internet can be searched for by anyone. That is how I came across everyone's blogs listed in this site. People don't ask for your permission before searching for your blog on google or blogger. I truly did not think it would be that big of an issue to move the links to their own site and I am truly sorry if I offended anyone.

My advice, if you are worried about something happening as a result of your blog being listed somewhere, is to leave any personal names, city/ state/ province informaiton, etc. off your blog or have it password protected. There is no other way to keep your blog private when on the internet. My blog is listed on many sites that did not ask my permission to link to my site. I don't have a problem with it because I have found many, many friends through someone finding my blog from someone else's listing.

I do have an email address listed if you do not want your site listed there. I don't want to remain anonymous as the creator of the other site you referenced does. I emailed you when you emailed me a couple months ago to let you know yours had been removed --and so has Catherine's. I don't have a problem removing anyone's site and I usually have it removed within seconds of reading your email. Several people have emailed me asking for their site to be added!

I don't feel this is a personal attack (as you mentioned), and I hope you don't feel I am attacking you at all...but I did want to state my side of the story. Please know that I did not add anyone's site out of anything but joy of reading other people's adoption stories. In fact, I almost cried when Catherine emailed me to remove her site. I had no intentions to offend ANYONE by doing this and I was heartbroken to find that I had.

Because I HAVE had a wonderful response from MANY people who do truly enjoy the site and who check back to it daily I have decided to keep the site as it is. And again, there is a link for people to email me if they do not want their site on the listing.

Sorry again.