I think I'm going to have to start finding a better place to hide so I don't get tagged so often. ;)
Michelle tagged me this time. Apparently I have to come up with 8 little known facts about me. Hmmm, here goes...
1. Josh and I are high school sweethearts. As the
song goes, I was sixteen...going on seventeen when we met. We met WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in 1988 right after I broke up with a previous boyfriend. I passed by Josh as he was working at a store in the
Promenade Mall and he used the ever-so-slick pick up line of, "So, I heard you broke up with (ex-boyfriend), wanna go out for coffee?"
I turned him down, since I was already out with my mom and grandma, but we ended up going out for dinner and a comedy show a couple of weeks later. As he "gallantly" jumped over a puddle in the parking lot on the evening of our first date, he ended up splashing my favourite pink corduroy skirt (hey, it was 1988) with mud...
2. Shortly after I turned 17, I didn't have my driver's license (nor did I have my learner's permit) yet, but Josh wanted to give me driving lessons. We went out in his mother's car and I drove around the parking lot. It was all going so well...until...I mixed up the gas pedal and the brake and crashed his mom's car.
Umm, oops?
$1,800 in damage later...I worked all summer that year paying it off. To this day, I still don't have my license, but I'm going to have to get it eventually.
3. When I got my pictures taken for the security check for the adoption dossier by the Commissionaires, they didn't give me a chance to take my coat off. They just told me to sit down and they would be with me in a second. I paid for the photo, filled out the paperwork and BAM they took the photo without warning. I look like a total idiot wearing a heavy winter coat in that picture. Oh well...just as long as the CCAA doesn't judge me by THAT picture, I should be ok. ;)
4. At our wedding, Josh and I had a bagpiper pipe us in as we were officially introduced as husband and wife. We wanted to keep that as a surprise to our guests, but the bagpiper had to inflate the pipes, so while everyone was enjoying their drinks before the dinner, all they heard
what can only be described as cat torture was a loud squeaking and shrieking coming from upstairs in the synagogue.
5. After I sent
Kathy a recent gift of Fun Dip, I had to go back to the store and buy some for myself to remember what it tasted like.
When my mom went to a hairdresser in that same plaza (about 25+ years ago), she used to buy me Fun Dip all the time to
shut me up keep me amused while she got her hair done.
6. When I had my wisdom teeth out years ago, Josh, his mom and my mom went with me to the appointment. When I woke up, though I don't recall this, apparently I kept asking for his dad. He wasn't there, but he came by and made sure he was there when I was completely awake.
I had a migraine after the surgery, big shock, and he noticed that the sliding door in the den didn't shut completely. He stood there, while I lay in the fold out bed, opening the door and slamming it, in order to 'fix' it. My mom and Josh's mom ran in and asked him "what the *&$#" he was doing. Even though I was in pain, I couldn't help but laugh, it's something he'd SO do. :)
7. Our cat, Deuce, was named because we got him for our second wedding anniversary. (Deuce is Latin for two.) Originally we wanted two other cats...Quincy for our fifth anniversary and Josh wanted another one for our eighth and he wanted to name it Octopussy. Since Deuce is a bit psycho (or can be at times), we didn't end up getting the other cats.
8. I've got my certification as a teacher, but I work as a medical secretary...go figure.
Now I have to figure out who to tag next...bah, if you're reading this, you're IT!