Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This about sums up how I feel right now...

...or rather what I'd be doing.

I woke up this morning with a horrid migraine. For those of you that know me, know how awful these truly are. I ended up having to take one of my 'happy pills' (Fiorinal) but oddly this time it didn't knock me out. I took it around 10:30 this morning and I'm sitting here in a daze *still* waiting for it to kick in. It was so severe that I ended up having to take the day off work. *sigh*

I went to lay down earlier in the hopes that the pill would start working, but as usual, Deuce was getting lonely because I wasn't playing with him, so he jumped on the bed and purred and cooed until I rubbed his belly. So I haven't really slept...yet.

On a side note, for the past few months he's gotten into a real jealous streak...over a book. Whenever I lay on the bed and do sudoku, he jumps on the bed, mews at me and then flops across the book because he's being 'ignored'. If I try to move him, he nips my fingers or tries to scratch me. Now keep in mind this is just a book, imagine how he's going to feel when there's a baby in the house? Oy.

On the upside, today is two weeks that our documentation has been in for translation. It's just another two to three weeks until it's complete!

1 comment:

livingjetlag said...

Seriously though, pardon the broad generalization, but what is it about cats and math, really? Granted, their educational opportunities are limited, but why the hate? Is it because they have such a surprising variation in the number of toes each cat has?