Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Our weekend adventures (part one)

Josh and I were really excited about this past weekend, Nic and Tim invited us to spend the weekend with them. An added bonus was that Michelle and Mark were there as well!

We left Toronto on Friday at 1:30pm and were surprised that we got to the border by 3:00 or so. I thought for sure we were going to get stuck at the border for a while since the weather was so nice and I know that a lot of people go over for the weekend. It wasn't too bad, we were only sitting there for about 20-25 minutes or so.

After we passed the border we made a bee-line for the Galleria Mall and I did some shoppy goodness. We ran around like crazy because we had to haul ass to Batavia to check into our hotel, get changed, and meet Nic and Tim for 6:00. I think I did a lightning round of shopping and picked up a pair of shoes and three shirts in record time. Whew!

We got to Nic's place a little late...oops, and hung out at their place for a little while. Nic gave everyone the tour of their house while I played with her sweet little kitten Trixie. Oh...my...G-d, I'm in LOVE with that kitten (even though she entertained us all by drinking out of the fish tank). TOO cute.

We got into Mark and Michelle's car and Nic and Tim drove to the restaurant alone. We went to Braun's for dinner and it was great! The service was a little slow, but it was GOOD food and GREAT company. We talked about everything under the sun: adoptions (Nic showed us more pictures of their son Z), vacations, etc. We ended up staying at the restaurant until 10:00, said our goodbyes and called it a night.

We had to get a good night's sleep as we had a VERY busy day the next day...


M and M said...

It was a good night! I could've stayed for another few hours gabbing in the restaurant - but yes - we needed to sleep well for our busy day on Saturday!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Can't wait to read on...

D & S said...

That's just Friday??? I'm already tired just reading about it.

Anonymous said...

OMG- It is my life in written form.