Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy birthday, L!

Today is my SIL L's 35th birthday. (For those of you keeping track, that's Ugly's wife and Z's mom). We're going out for dinner tonight to celebrate...woo!

Leave a comment, if you want, and wish her a happy birthday. :)

I can't wait to see Z tonight, we went over on Sunday afternoon to visit with him and he was SO happy to see Josh and I. He was watching some Nascar race (I don't follow racing, so I can't tell you much about it). So while he was enthralled watching the race, Ugly, L, Josh and I were talking about the adoption, the timeline (slower than molasses), and our social calendar which lately is extremely busy with meeting fellow A-bloggers. We haven't told Z about the adoption, as he'd want his cousin home TODAY (as if we ALL don't)...and I don't think he would really understand that it's probably 1.5 to 2 years away.

A little later in the afternoon, he wanted to use the laptop to show me some gambling game that they have on it. He really likes playing the slots...hey, who doesn't? ;)

Anyways, he wanted me to play it as well, so we were taking turns for a bit while he sat on my lap and nuzzled into me. (He never does that...he must have really missed seeing us).

A couple friends of L and Ugly's came over as well, and the topic of conversation came around to adoption (her friend brought it up, we didn't). They didn't know we're adopting, basically we're not telling anyone outside of immediate family about our plans. I guess it goes back to superstitions or something, but we haven't really revealed our plans to many people...other than those directly involved.

I decided to tell their friends about it and she replied 'Oh! That just warms my heart!' I thought that was one of the nicest things she could say. We talked a bit in depth about China, they've got a few other ideas of places to adopt from, so they're going to look into those first.

It felt really great to talk about our plans, even though I still feel a bit iffy about talking to people about it. I know that's a contradiction, especially since I have a blog about it, but oh well (other than my brother, Ugly, nobody else in my family reads it on an ongoing basis). :P


4D said...

Happy Birthday L!!!

It is wonderful when you tell someone about your adoption plans and the response is positive. We have been blessed that that is all we have received. It is a great feeling to talk about it. Makes it seem more real!

Keep smilin!

Johnny said...

Actually, I think that keeping it mum is a good idea. There's less stress with answering the same questions over and over.

Of course, when the wait was shorter last year, that wasn't really a consideration.

redmaryjanes said...

Happy Birthday to you L!

spitgirl said...

Happy birthday, L!

Polar Bear said...

Happy Birthday L!!! I hope you have a GREAT day!!!

I didn't talk about the adoption at first. My husband talked about it to any one who would listen. As time went on I began to talk about it, and now I will talk to anyone who wants to listen! :)

Cari said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!
Ah...35....I remember it well.... a very good year! Enjoy!!


Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Happy Birthday, L!!! I wish now that we would have waited to tell so many people. Joel and I are not exactly blabber mouths, but it may have been a little easier if we had waited.

D & S said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day.

I love how you refer to your brother as Ugly. You crack me up.

M and M said...

What a great reaction!! I am SO glad it was positive from the first person outside of your family!

Happy Birthday L!