Saturday, March 10, 2007

The numbers game...

Josh and I went out for a fancy shmancy dinner tonight (for no reason other than it was Saturday and we wanted to go out) and we talked about 'the wait'. I said that we've got our 6 month LIDiversary coming up next week and that I'll need to pick up more candles for our celebration cakes. Originally I only got numbers 2 through 6, and I was going to get the others later. At the time, I figured I wouldn't need to get a 1 or a 0 (since the first LIDiversary cake was our second as we didn't find out our LID until almost two months in) and I was sure we wouldn't be hitting 10...yeah ok.

I mentioned that I'm going to have to pick up a couple 1 candles, and sadly a couple 2s as well. I refuse to get two 3s, that's just *not* going to happen (and don't leave a comment that it will, I know it might, but I refuse to accept that at this point). :P

He looked at me and said 'with all this waiting I'm going to need a 222 from the headache I'm getting...'.

For those of you that don't know, a 222 is another name for a Tylenol.

By the way, don't forget to turn your clocks back at 2am Sunday morning...


M and M said...

I am hoping that you don't need to use BOTH of those '2's!!

Thank goodness for blogging - it keeps me sane!!

Sam said...

So sorry about your long wait. It sucks!

Polar Bear said...

You won't need both of those 2s! Power of postive thinking! :)

"M2" said...

I remember mom always popping 222's as a kid, didn't know what they were until now...

Anonymous said...

Positive won't need two 'threes'...once they hit 2006 LID's its bound to go faster..its 2005 that really is the killer year for LID.
From a mother at the tail end of the 2005 LID's...

redmaryjanes said...

I don't think you will make it into the 2's except for your 12 month lid. I hope not anyway.

dreamer said...

I'm gladyou explained 222 cause I was sitting there thinking of 'what else' it could be and well, it wasn't pretty! Sorry. Hang in there with the candles, we're all in it together.

C's Mom said...

Only 1 two at a time please!

spitgirl said...

Easy - just count in hex.

spitgirl said...

Easy - just count in hex.

OziMum said...

LOL! Glad you explained the "2s" thing!!! I'm think we'll have some 2s in our date! So far..
File approved/Reviewed (here in Aust: 21/11/05
DTC: 2/2/06
LID: 22/2/06
Out of Review (China): 22/2/07

Hmmm... I see a pattern...