Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What is wrong with YOU people?!

...and by 'you people' I mean the voting public for AI. Since I don't want to give away who was kicked off because some of you may not have seen it yet (though I'm sure you can figure out who stayed). Why are you keeping him in the competition?! Why? WHY? WHY?!

He's probably the worst contestant they've ever had.

He. Can't. Sing. At. All.

I had a massive migraine all day and the only thing I was looking forward to tonight was him getting kicked off the show. What a disappointment. When I saw the results I think I threw up in my mouth a little...

By the way, if any of you haven't voted for my little poll (something that really matters), please do so. I'm finding it pretty interesting the way the results are tallying up...


4D said...

I hear ya! I cussed out my tv.

Keep smilin!

Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

I don't watch AI, but I voted in your poll...

M and M said...

This is the first year that I haven't watch help here.

I voted in your poll a while ago...

Anonymous said...

I don't watch AI, but I wanted to tell you that your Snapfish stuff looks great!

C's Mom said...

It's rigged! ;0)

AI that is....not your poll!

I'm still working my way through neglected email accounts....I'll keep lookin' for ya.

Donna said...

The 12 year old girls LOOOOOOOOVE him.

::::rolling eyes::::

I'm a lefty but I think the decreased lifespan is due to putting up with so much crud from right handed people who think we don't do things correctly! :::wink:::

Our blog: Double Happiness!

Special K said...

He even knows he's out of his league. Did you see the look on his face when he walked back to sit down? I kinda feel sorry for the kid. He does seem very sweet but just can't sing...