Friday, March 09, 2007

Super Z!

I meant to mention this earlier this week, but my nephew Z (Ugly's son) got his report card this week. He got almost all A's and his lowest mark was a B! He's in grade one because he skipped senior kindergarten.

He's quite advanced in a few areas, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a proud aunt. His teacher said that his reading is "at a high grade 2 level". Not too shabby for a six year old, if I do say so myself.

He's also quite good at spelling and one of his spelling tests earlier this year he got 11/10. He got all 10 questions right plus the bonus question. :P Now while they don't spell words like antidisestablismentarianism (memories of grade 4 for me - my teachers were mean), he can spell a lot of words if you ask him. The last time I went over to visit him he spelled the word 'couch', which I thought was pretty impressive.

At birthdays he reads everyones cards out loud, even words that he hasn't seen before. Last year at Passover, he read from the Hagaddah (the Hebrew text that explains the story of Passover) and read the word "Egypt" without any prompting, and at that time he was just a little over 5 years old.

So leave a comment and perhaps he might read it too! :)


M and M said...

Great Job Z!! Keep up the good work. Being able to read is SO important!

Anonymous said...

Go kid go.

D & S said...

Spoken like a true proud Auntie. Good for Z!

Polar Bear said...

Wow! Good Job Z! That is amazing!!

Your fourth grade teachers were brutal. I don't know how to pronounce that word, much less know what it means!

redmaryjanes said...

VERY impressive! I would be a proud Aunt too!

Sam said...

Z, you are doing great!!! I'm so impressed! It must be the influence from your Aunt!

spitgirl said...

Good job, Z! We're proud of you!

4D said...

Great job buddy!

Keep smilin!